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Merriage and Sports - Alexandre's Coral Belt

Dani Genovesi

The choral belt is an achievement of a 30-year cycle in the black belt. But it's not just that, it's the realization of his dedication as an athlete and educator in life. This belt enshrines several cycles, it has weight and it is marked by a lot of history. There were many years of athlete, teacher, and above all, mentoring people. Alexandre participated in several lifes' changes, forming champions, professionals and better people. It's a mark.

Entrega de faixa coral de jiu-jitsu ao Alexandre Paiva
Enrega da faixa coral ao Alexandre

It was an emotional time and a privilege to be part of this successful trajectory and to follow the ceremony closely. I participated in a good part of Alexandre's journey in jiu-jittsu, I had the pleasure of experiencing and being part of this story. We have been married for 31 and three children as the result of the union, Victor, Julia and Antonio.

Foto da família Genovesi
Foto de família.

The sport united us from the beginning, after all we met at a jiu-jitsu academy. Since then, we have followed our professional and personal life with all the values ​​and bonds that sport produces. With him by my side, even with kids and work, I got my main titles (both jiu-jitsu and bike). At the same time, I followed several professional and sporting achievements of him by his side.

Dani Genovesi e Alexandre Paiva na competição RAAM 2009
Eu e Alexandre na RAAM 2009

Our relationship is more than a company, it is a partnership. He always accompanied me in everything I did. So, moving to Idaho (USA) was just another step in our relationship. I came with my eyes closed to follow him in another step of his professional trajectory. In this case, I was very lucky because the city is exceptional for cycling training. I can train all year. So, training fills my homesickness and and the gym and business fill Alexandre's.

Dani Genovesi e Alexandre Paiva pedalando por Boise, Id
Eu e Alexandre em um pedal - Boise, ID

This year, at this time, the coral belt's ceremony warmed the soul. The celebration of this achievement marked a turning point in his professional life. I know he is, and I am too, looking forward to celebrate with friends in our hometown of Rio de Janeiro, but this celebration here in Idaho has a reward for his new academy. We will soon be with our friends and family to celebrate this.

Atletas de jiu-jitsu em ceriônia entrega de faixa coral Gigi Paiva
Homenagem de entrega de faixa na academia Alliance - Boise, ID

Link to see Alexandre's tribute video for the coral belt



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