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foto da Dani na RAAM 2019 em Utah

Dani Genovesi at RAAM year 2019 - Photo: Vívian Camhi

Dani Genovesi

Follow your dreams

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Foto da Dani Genovesi pedalando na competição das Dolomitas

Dani Genovesi in the Dolomites year 2018 - Photo: Vívian Camhi

Dani Genovesi

Athlete, coach and mother

I've been passionate about competitive sport since I was 14 years old, and since then I've always tried to improve myself and give my best. I struggled a lot to get where I am, tough choices and lots of dreams.

Nothing is easy, I had to overcome everything.

Foto da Dani Genovesi levantando a sua bike e sorrindo


A shared dream

Throughout my life I fulfilled a great dream: to share my experience as an athlete and cycling coach (physical educator)

Girus is a project that brings the benefits of sport to athletes (pro and amateurs) through training spreadsheets, classes and corporate projects.

Come be part of this movement!

Dani Genovesi year 2009 - Photo: GoOutside Magazine

DG Blog

This space is for us to exchange experiences, reduce distances and get even closer to my friends - that is how I consider everyone who supports me, monitors and trains with me.

I will use this blog to share tips and thoughts on training, cycling, diet, stories from my competitions and life.

Featured in the Media

link abre a notícia da Dani Genovesi no jornal "O Globo"
link abre a entrevista da Dani Genovesi na revista "Go Outside"
link abre a reportagem da Dani Genovesi no jornal "Lance!"
link abre a reportagem da Dani na "cision"
Dani Genovesi com Orlando Cani

"Dani, you for me, after being at your side for 20 years, I was able to observe you, you have all the necessary requirements for this great champion athlete. You are strong, determined, disciplined, conscientious and victorious.

I love you like a daughter. (...)"

— Orlando Cani, friend and yoga teacher

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